NPTEL » Programming In Java
Due on 2025-02-06, 23:59 IST
Write a Java program to check if a given integer is even or odd.
The code you see is not complete.
Your task is to complete the code as per the question.
Think of it like a programming puzzle.
(Ignore presentation errors for this and all future programming assignments)
("passed with presentation error" means you will get full marks)
Due on 2025-02-06, 23:59 IST
Write a Java program to calculate the volume of a cylinder given its radius and height.
You can use Math.PI for the computation.
The code you see is not complete.
Your task is to complete the code as per the question.
Think of it like a programming puzzle.
(This question can be solved in just one line of code)
(Ignore presentation errors for this and all future programming assignments)("passed with presentation error" means you will get full marks)
Due on 2025-02-06, 23:59 IST
Write a Java program to print the multiplication table of a given number up to 5.
Print EXACTLY as shown in the sample output.
DO NOT MISS a single space otherwise you will not be scored.
(Ignore presentation errors for this and all future programming assignments)("passed with presentation error" means you will get full marks)
Due on 2025-02-06, 23:59 IST
Complete the code fragment that reads two integer inputs from keyboard and compute the quotient and remainder.
(Ignore presentation errors for this and all future programming assignments)
("passed with presentation error" means you will get full marks)
Due on 2025-02-06, 23:59 IST
Write a program which will print a pattern of "*" 's of height "n".
For example:
n = 3
Print the pattern EXACTLY, without extra spaces.
(Ignore presentation errors for this and all future programming assignments)("passed with presentation error" means you will get full marks)